2018 EULAR recommendations for a core data set to support observational research and clinical care in giant cell arteritisLisa Ehlers, Johan Askling, Hans WJ Bijlsma, Maria Cinta Cid, Maurizio Cutolo, Bhaskar Dasgupta, Christian Dejaco, William G Dixon, Nils Feltelius, Axel Finckh, Kate Gilbert, Sarah Louise Mackie, Alfred Mahr, Eric L Matteson, Lorna NeillSee the full list of authors
21 March 2019
2019 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of systemic lupus erythematosusAntonis Fanouriakis, Myrto Kostopoulou, Alessia Alunno, Martin Aringer, Ingeborg Bajema, John N Boletis, Ricard Cervera, Andrea Doria, Caroline Gordon, Marcello Govoni, Frédéric Houssiau, David Jayne, Marios Kouloumas, Annegret Kuhn, Janni L LarsenSee the full list of authors
29 March 2019
2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of hand osteoarthritisMargreet Kloppenburg, Féline PB Kroon, Francisco J Blanco, Michael Doherty, Krysia S Dziedzic, Elsie Greibrokk, Ida K Haugen, Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont, Helgi Jonsson, Ingvild Kjeken, Emmanuel Maheu, Roberta Ramonda, Marco JPF Ritt, Wilma Smeets, Josef S SmolenSee the full list of authors
28 August 2018
EULAR recommendations for the health professional’s approach to pain management in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritisRinie Geenen, Cécile L Overman, Robin Christensen, Pernilla Åsenlöf, Susana Capela, Karen L Huisinga, Mai Elin P Husebø, Albère J A Köke, Zoe Paskins, Irene A Pitsillidou, Carine Savel, Judith Austin, Afton L Hassett, Guy Severijns, Michaela Stoffer-MarxSee the full list of authors
3 May 2018
2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of Behçet’s syndromeGulen Hatemi, Robin Christensen, Dongsik Bang, Bahram Bodaghi, Aykut Ferhat Celik, Farida Fortune, Julien Gaudric, Ahmet Gul, Ina Kötter, Pietro Leccese, Alfred Mahr, Robert Moots, Yesim Ozguler, Jutta Richter, David SaadounSee the full list of authors
6 April 2018
EULAR recommendations for the use of imaging in large vessel vasculitis in clinical practiceChristian Dejaco, Sofia Ramiro, Christina Duftner, Florent L Besson, Thorsten A Bley, Daniel Blockmans, Elisabeth Brouwer, Marco A Cimmino, Eric Clark, Bhaskar Dasgupta, Andreas P Diamantopoulos, Haner Direskeneli, Annamaria Iagnocco, Thorsten Klink, Lorna NeillSee the full list of authors
22 January 2018
2017 EULAR recommendations for a core data set to support observational research and clinical care in rheumatoid arthritisHelga Radner, Katerina Chatzidionysiou, Elena Nikiphorou, Laure Gossec, Kimme L Hyrich, Condruta Zabalan, Yvonne van Eijk-Hustings, Paula R Williamson, Andra Balanescu, Gerd R Burmester, Loreto Carmona, Maxime Dougados, Axel Finckh, Glenn Haugeberg, Merete Lund HetlandSee the full list of authors
4 January 2018
EULAR recommendations for management of fibromyalgiaGary J Macfarlane, Caroline Kronisch, Fabiola Atzeni, Winfried Häuser, Ernest H Choy, Kirstine Amris, Jaime Branco, Fitnat Dincer, Paivi Leino-Arjas, Kathy Longley, Geraldine McCarthy, Suzi Makri, Serge Perrot, Piercarlo Sarzi Puttini, Ann TaylorSee the full list of authors
5 May 2017
EULAR recommendations underplay importance of severe anxiety and depression in fibromyalgia treatmentCecilia Mercieca, Andrew A Borg
5 May 2017
2016 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis: a utopia beyond patients in low/middle income countries?Durga Prasanna Misra, Vikas Agarwal, Aman Sharma, Anupam Wakhlu, Vir Singh Negi
27 March 2017