EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 updateLaure Gossec, Xenofon Baraliakos, Andreas Kerschbaumer, Maarten de Wit, Iain McInnes, Maxime Dougados, Jette Primdahl, Dennis G McGonagle, Daniel Aletaha, Andra Balanescu, Peter V Balint, Heidi Bertheussen, Wolf-Henning Boehncke, Gerd R Burmester, Juan D CaneteSee the full list of authors
20 May 2020
EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2019 updateJosef S Smolen, Robert B M Landewé, Johannes W J Bijlsma, Gerd R Burmester, Maxime Dougados, Andreas Kerschbaumer, Iain B McInnes, Alexandre Sepriano, Ronald F van Vollenhoven, Maarten de Wit, Daniel Aletaha, Martin Aringer, John Askling, Alejandro Balsa, Maarten BoersSee the full list of authors
22 January 2020
Testing different thresholds for patient global assessment in defining remission for rheumatoid arthritis: are the current ACR/EULAR Boolean criteria optimal?Paul Studenic, David Felson, Maarten de Wit, Farideh Alasti, Tanja A Stamm, Josef S Smolen, Daniel Aletaha
5 February 2020
2019 EULAR recommendations for the generic core competences of health professionals in rheumatologyLisa Edelaar, Elena Nikiphorou, George E Fragoulis, Annamaria Iagnocco, Catherine Haines, Margot Bakkers, Lurdes Barbosa, Nada Cikes, Mwidimi Ndosi, Jette Primdahl, Yeliz Prior, Polina Pchelnikova, Valentin Ritschl, Valentin Sebastian Schäfer, Hana SmucrovaSee the full list of authors
9 August 2019
EULAR points to consider for the use of big data in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseasesLaure Gossec, Joanna Kedra, Hervé Servy, Aridaman Pandit, Simon Stones, Francis Berenbaum, Axel Finckh, Xenofon Baraliakos, Tanja A Stamm, David Gomez-Cabrero, Christian Pristipino, Remy Choquet, Gerd R Burmester, Timothy R D J Radstake
22 June 2019
2019 update of EULAR recommendations for vaccination in adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseasesVictoria Furer, Christien Rondaan, Marloes W Heijstek, Nancy Agmon-Levin, Sander van Assen, Marc Bijl, Ferry C Breedveld, Raffaele D"Amelio, Maxime Dougados, Meliha Crnkic Kapetanovic, Jacob M van Laar, A de Thurah, Robert BM Landewé, Anna Molto, Ulf Müller-LadnerSee the full list of authors
14 August 2019
2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the role of the nurse in the management of chronic inflammatory arthritisBianca Bech, Jette Primdahl, Astrid van Tubergen, Marieke Voshaar, Heidi A Zangi, Lurdes Barbosa, Carina Boström, Boryana Boteva, Francesco Carubbi, Françoise Fayet, Ricardo J O Ferreira, Kirsten Hoeper, Agnes Kocher, Marja Leena Kukkurainen, Vivienne LionSee the full list of authors
12 July 2019
2018 Update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of large vessel vasculitisBernhard Hellmich, Ana Agueda, Sara Monti, Frank Buttgereit, Hubert de Boysson, Elisabeth Brouwer, Rebecca Cassie, Maria C Cid, Bhaskar Dasgupta, Christian Dejaco, Gulen Hatemi, Nicole Hollinger, Alfred Mahr, Susan P Mollan, Chetan MukhtyarSee the full list of authors
3 July 2019
EULAR recommendations for the management of Sjögren’s syndrome with topical and systemic therapiesManuel Ramos-Casals, Pilar Brito-Zerón, Stefano Bombardieri, Hendrika Bootsma, Salvatore De Vita, Thomas Dörner, Benjamin A Fisher, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, Gabriela Hernandez-Molina, Agnes Kocher, Belchin Kostov, Aike A. Kruize, Thomas Mandl, Wan-Fai Ng, Soledad RetamozoSee the full list of authors
31 October 2019
EULAR recommendations for the management of antiphospholipid syndrome in adultsMaria G Tektonidou, Laura Andreoli, Marteen Limper, Zahir Amoura, Ricard Cervera, Nathalie Costedoat-Chalumeau, Maria Jose Cuadrado, Thomas Dörner, Raquel Ferrer-Oliveras, Karen Hambly, Munther A Khamashta, Judith King, Francesca Marchiori, Pier Luigi Meroni, Marta MoscaSee the full list of authors
15 May 2019