EULAR points to consider for therapeutic drug monitoring of biopharmaceuticals in inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseasesCharlotte LM Krieckaert, Astrid van Tubergen, Johanna Elin Gehin, Borja Hernández-Breijo, Guillaume Le Mélédo, Alejandro Balsa, Peter Böhm, Sasa Cucnik, Ori Elkayam, Guro L Goll, Femke Hooijberg, Meghna Jani, Patrick DW Kiely, Neil McCarthy, Denis MullemanSee the full list of authors
12 May 2022
American College of Rheumatology/EULAR remission criteria for rheumatoid arthritis: 2022 revisionPaul Studenic, Daniel Aletaha, Maarten de Wit, Tanja A Stamm, Farideh Alasti, Diane Lacaille, Josef S Smolen, David T Felson
24 October 2022
2021 EULAR points to consider to support people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases to participate in healthy and sustainable paid workAnnelies Boonen, Casper Webers, Maarten Butink, Birgit Barten, Neil Betteridge, Dame Carol Black, Ann Bremander, Boryana Boteva, Olga Brzezińska, Lina Chauhan, Sarah Copsey, Vera Guimarães, Monique Gignac, Jennifer Glaysher, Frans GreenSee the full list of authors
15 September 2022
2021 EULAR recommendations regarding lifestyle behaviours and work participation to prevent progression of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseasesJames M Gwinnutt, Maud Wieczorek, Andra Balanescu, Heike A Bischoff-Ferrari, Annelies Boonen, Giulio Cavalli, Savia de Souza, Annette de Thurah, Thomas E Dorner, Rikke Helene Moe, Polina Putrik, Javier Rodríguez-Carrio, Lucía Silva-Fernández, Tanja Stamm, Karen Walker-BoneSee the full list of authors
8 March 2022
EULAR/PRES recommendations for vaccination of paediatric patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases: update 2021Marc H A Jansen, Christien Rondaan, Geertje E Legger, Kirsten Minden, Yosef Uziel, Natasa Toplak, Despoina Maritsi, Lotte van den Berg, Guy A M Berbers, Patricia Bruijning, Yona Egert, Christophe Normand, Marc Bijl, Helen E Foster, Isabelle Koné-PautSee the full list of authors
20 June 2022
EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2022 updateJosef S Smolen, Robert B M Landewé, Sytske Anne Bergstra, Andreas Kerschbaumer, Alexandre Sepriano, Daniel Aletaha, Roberto Caporali, Christopher John Edwards, Kimme L Hyrich, Janet E Pope, Savia de Souza, Tanja A Stamm, Tsutomu Takeuchi, Patrick Verschueren, Kevin L WinthropSee the full list of authors
10 November 2022
ASAS-EULAR recommendations for the management of axial spondyloarthritis: 2022 updateSofia Ramiro, Elena Nikiphorou, Alexandre Sepriano, Augusta Ortolan, Casper Webers, Xenofon Baraliakos, Robert B M Landewé, Filip E Van den Bosch, Boryana Boteva, Ann Bremander, Philippe Carron, Adrian Ciurea, Floris A van Gaalen, Pál Géher, Lianne GenslerSee the full list of authors
21 October 2022
EULAR recommendations for the management and vaccination of people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in the context of SARS-CoV-2: the November 2021 updateRobert B M Landewé, Féline P B Kroon, Alessia Alunno, Aurélie Najm, Johannes WJ Bijlsma, Gerd-Rüdiger R Burmester, Roberto Caporali, Bernard Combe, Richard Conway, Jeffrey R Curtis, Ori Elkayam, Laure Gossec, Marloes W Heijstek, Lukas Haupt, Annamaria IagnoccoSee the full list of authors
23 February 2022
2022 American College of Rheumatology/EULAR classification criteria for Takayasu arteritisPeter C Grayson, Cristina Ponte, Ravi Suppiah, Joanna C Robson, Katherine Bates Gribbons, Andrew Judge, Anthea Craven, Sara Khalid, Andrew Hutchings, Debashish Danda, Raashid A Luqmani, Richard A Watts, Peter A Merkel, , For the DCVAS Study GroupSee the full list of authors
9 November 2022
2022 American College of Rheumatology/EULAR classification criteria for giant cell arteritisCristina Ponte, Peter C Grayson, Joanna C Robson, Ravi Suppiah, Katherine Bates Gribbons, Andrew Judge, Anthea Craven, Sara Khalid, Andrew Hutchings, Richard A Watts, Peter A Merkel, Raashid A Luqmani, , For the DCVAS Study Group, Paul GatenbySee the full list of authors
9 November 2022