Comparison of the effect of treatment with NSAIDs added to anti-TNF therapy versus anti-TNF therapy alone on the progression of structural damage in the spine over 2 years in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis from the randomised-controlled CONSUL trialFabian Proft, Murat Torgutalp, Burkhard Muche, Valeria Rios Rodriguez, Joachim Listing, Mikhail Protopopov, Judith Rademacher, Hildrun Haibel, Laura Spiller, Anne-Katrin Weber, Maryna Verba, Jan Brandt-Juergens, Uta Kiltz, Maren Sieburg, Swen JackiSee the full list of authors
16 January 2024
Third-generation CD19.CAR-T cell-containing combination therapy in Scl70+ systemic sclerosisWolfgang Merkt, Merle Freitag, Maren Claus, Philipp Kolb, Valeria Falcone, Manuel Röhrich, Lea Rodon, Franca Deicher, Ivana Andreeva, Theresa Tretter, Lars-Oliver Tykocinski, Norbert Blank, Carsten Watzl, Anita Schmitt, Tim SauerSee the full list of authors
22 December 2023
Evaluation of discontinuation for adverse events of JAK inhibitors and bDMARDs in an international collaboration of rheumatoid arthritis registers (the ‘JAK-pot’ study)Romain Aymon, Denis Mongin, Sytske Anne Bergstra, Denis Choquette, Catalin Codreanu, Diederik De Cock, Lene Dreyer, Ori Elkayam, Doreen Huschek, Kimme L Hyrich, Florenzo Iannone, Nevsun Inanc, Lianne Kearsley-Fleet, Suleyman Serdar KOCA, Tore K KvienSee the full list of authors
8 December 2023
Male patients with inflammatory joint diseases are less likely than controls to be childless: results from a Norwegian population-based cohort study of 10 865 patientsGudrun David Sigmo, Solveig Hauge, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Marianne Wallenius, Kjell Åsmund Salvesen, Anne Kjersti Nesje Daltveit, Gunnstein Bakland, Bjorg-Tilde Svanes Fevang
23 January 2024
Pragmatic targets for moderate/severe SLE and their implications for clinical care and trial design: sustained DORIS or LLDAS for at least 6 months is sufficient while their attainment for at least 24 months ensures high specificity for damage-free progressionSofia Pitsigavdaki, Myrto Nikoloudaki, Panagiotis Garantziotis, Ettore Silvagni, Argyro Repa, Antonio Marangoni, Irini Flouri, Nestor Avgoustidis, Konstantinos Parperis, Antonis Fanouriakis, Marcello Govoni, Prodromos Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios T Boumpas, Alessandra Bortoluzzi, George Bertsias
17 January 2024
CD19-targeting CAR T cells protect from ANCA-induced acute kidney injuryDörte Lodka, Maria Zschummel, Mario Bunse, Anthony Rousselle, Janis Sonnemann, Ralph Kettritz, Uta E Höpken, Adrian Schreiber
5 January 2024
Randomised trial of genetic testing and targeted intervention to prevent the development and progression of Paget’s disease of boneJonathan Phillips, Deepak Subedi, Steff C Lewis, Catriona Keerie, Owen Cronin, Mary Porteous, David Moore, Roseanne Cetnarskyj, Lakshminarayan Ranganath, Peter L Selby, Tolga Turgut, Geeta Hampson, Rama Chandra, Shu Ho, Jon TobiasSee the full list of authors
20 December 2023
Telitacicept in patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus: results of a phase 2b, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialDi Wu, Jing Li, Dong Xu, Joan T Merrill, Ronald F van Vollenhoven, Yi Liu, Jiankang Hu, Yang Li, Fen Li, Chenghui Huang, Guochun Wang, Xiaomei Li, Jianhong Zhao, Dongbao Zhao, Cibo HuangSee the full list of authors
21 December 2023
CD7 activation regulates cytotoxicity-driven pathology in systemic sclerosis, yielding a target for selective cell depletionTheodoros Ioannis Papadimitriou, Prashant Singh, Arjan van Caam, Birgitte Walgreen, Mark A J Gorris, Elly L Vitters, Iris L van Ingen, Marije I Koenders, Ruben L Smeets, Madelon Vonk, Jolanda M de Vries, Peter M van der Kraan, Ypke van Oosterhout, Martijn A Huynen, Hans J P M KoenenSee the full list of authors
18 December 2023
Expression quantitative trait loci analysis in rheumatoid arthritis identifies tissue specific variants associated with severity and outcomeKatriona Goldmann, Athina Spiliopoulou, Andrii Iakovliev, Darren Plant, Nisha Nair, Cankut Cubuk, The MATURA Consortium, Paul McKeigue, Michael R Barnes, Anne Barton, Costantino Pitzalis, Myles J Lewis
18 November 2023