CD_99 G1 neutrophils modulate osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in the pathological process of ankylosing spondylitisXinzhe Feng, Chen Wang, Boyao Ji, Junjie Qiao, Yihong Xu, Shanbang Zhu, Zhou Ji, Bole Zhou, Wenwen Tong, Weidong Xu
17 November 2023
Validation of a new glucocorticoid-specific Patient-Reported Outcome Questionnaire (the Steroid PRO)Susan Bridgewater, Mwidimi Ndosi, Jill Dawson, Pamela Richards, Christine Silverthorne, Emma Dures, Susan M. Goodman, Catherine Hill, Sarah L. Mackie, Joanna C. Robson
10 November 2023
Single-cell resolution of longitudinal blood transcriptome profiles in rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and healthy control pregnanciesHilde Julie T Lien, Tina T Pedersen, Bente Jakobsen, Arnar Flatberg, Konika Chawla, Pål Sætrom, Mona H Fenstad
30 November 2023
Efficacy and safety of remibrutinib, a selective potent oral BTK inhibitor, in Sjögren’s syndrome: results from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trialThomas Dörner, Martin Kaul, Antónia Szántó, Jui-Cheng Tseng, Athena S Papas, Ilona Pylvaenaeinen, Malika Hanser, Nasri Abdallah, Andrea Grioni, Aida Santos Da Costa, Enrico Ferrero, Peter Gergely, Rainer Hillenbrand, Alexandre Avrameas, Bruno CenniSee the full list of authors
6 November 2023
Correction: Identification of two tofacitinib subpopulations with different relative risk versus TNF inhibitors: an analysis of the open label, randomised controlled study ORAL SurveillanceBMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism
15 February 2024
Counteracting tryptophan metabolism alterations as a new therapeutic strategy for rheumatoid arthritisDavid Moulin, Marie Millard, Mahdia Taïeb, Chloé Michaudel, Anne Aucouturier, Antoine Lefèvre, Luis G Bermúdez-Humarán, Philippe Langella, Youssouf Sereme, Kristell Wanherdrick, Preeti Gautam, Xavier Mariette, Philippe Dieudé, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, Jean-Yves JouzeauSee the full list of authors
24 November 2023
In early rheumatoid arthritis, anticitrullinated peptide antibodies associate with low number of affected joints and rheumatoid factor associates with systemic inflammationEleftheria Pertsinidou, Saedis Saevarsdottir, Vivek Anand Manivel, Lars Klareskog, Lars Alfredsson, Linda Mathsson-Alm, Monika Hansson, Martin Cornillet, Guy Serre, Rikard Holmdahl, Karl Skriner, Per-Johan Jakobsson, Helga Westerlind, Johan Askling, Johan Rönnelid
27 November 2023
Unveiling inflammatory and prehypertrophic cell populations as key contributors to knee cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis using multi-omics data integrationYue Fan, Xuzhao Bian, Xiaogao Meng, Lei Li, Laiyi Fu, Yanan Zhang, Long Wang, Yan Zhang, Dalong Gao, Xiong Guo, Mikko Juhani Lammi, Guangdun Peng, Shiquan Sun
7 February 2024
EPO promotes the progression of rheumatoid arthritis by inducing desialylation via increasing the expression of neuraminidase 3Gan Wu, Ben Cao, Haige Zhai, Bin Liu, Yuan Huang, Xiaowei Chen, Hanzhi Ling, Sunwang Ling, Shengwei Jin, Xinyu Yang, Jianguang Wang
25 January 2024
HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQA1 associated with immunogenicity to adalimumab therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritisChuan Fu Yap, Nisha Nair, Annick de Vries, Floris C Loeff, Ann W Morgan, John D Isaacs, Anthony G Wilson, Kimme L Hyrich, Anne Barton, Darren Plant
12 September 2023