Long-term effectiveness of live herpes zoster vaccine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis subsequently treated with tofacitinibKevin L Winthrop, Ann Wouters, Ernest H Choy, Connie Chen, Pinaki Biswas, Lisy Wang, Koshika Soma, Elie Needle, Hernan Valdez, William FC Rigby
11 March 2020
Impact of the new American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association definition of hypertension on atherosclerotic vascular events in systemic lupus erythematosusKonstantinos Tselios, Dafna D Gladman, Jiandong Su, Murray Urowitz
10 March 2020
Testing different thresholds for patient global assessment in defining remission for rheumatoid arthritis: are the current ACR/EULAR Boolean criteria optimal?Paul Studenic, David Felson, Maarten de Wit, Farideh Alasti, Tanja A Stamm, Josef S Smolen, Daniel Aletaha
5 February 2020
Is treat-to-target really working in rheumatoid arthritis? a longitudinal analysis of a cohort of patients treated in daily practice (RA BIODAM)Sofia Ramiro, Robert BM Landewé, Désirée van der Heijde, Alexandre Sepriano, Oliver FitzGerald, Mikkel Ostergaard, Joanne Homik, Ori Elkayam, J Carter Thorne, Margaret Larche, Gianfranco Ferraciolli, Marina Backhaus, Gilles Boire, Bernard Combe, Thierry SchaeverbekeSee the full list of authors
24 February 2020
Withdrawal of low-dose prednisone in SLE patients with a clinically quiescent disease for more than 1 year: a randomised clinical trialAlexis Mathian, Micheline Pha, Julien Haroche, Fleur Cohen-Aubart, Miguel Hié, Marc Pineton de Chambrun, Thi Huong Du Boutin, Makoto Miyara, Guy Gorochov, Hans Yssel, Patrick Cherin, Hervé Devilliers, Zahir Amoura
18 December 2019
Immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced inflammatory arthritis persists after immunotherapy cessationTawnie J Braaten, Julie R Brahmer, Patrick M Forde, Dung Le, Evan J Lipson, Jarushka Naidoo, Megan Schollenberger, Lei Zheng, Clifton O Bingham 3rd, Ami A Shah, Laura C Cappelli
20 September 2019
Development of a prediction model for inpatient gout flares in people with comorbid goutKanon Jatuworapruk, Rebecca Grainger, Nicola Dalbeth, William J. Taylor
6 December 2019
Sustained discontinuation of infliximab with a raising-dose strategy after obtaining remission in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the RRRR study, a randomised controlled trialYoshiya Tanaka, Koji Oba, Takao Koike, Nobuyuki Miyasaka, Tsuneyo Mimori, Tsutomu Takeuchi, Shintaro Hirata, Eiichi Tanaka, Hidekata Yasuoka, Yuko Kaneko, Kosaku Murakami, Tomohiro Koga, Kazuhisa Nakano, Koichi Amano, Kazuyasu UshioSee the full list of authors
19 October 2019
2019 update of EULAR recommendations for vaccination in adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseasesVictoria Furer, Christien Rondaan, Marloes W Heijstek, Nancy Agmon-Levin, Sander van Assen, Marc Bijl, Ferry C Breedveld, Raffaele D"Amelio, Maxime Dougados, Meliha Crnkic Kapetanovic, Jacob M van Laar, A de Thurah, Robert BM Landewé, Anna Molto, Ulf Müller-LadnerSee the full list of authors
14 August 2019
2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the role of the nurse in the management of chronic inflammatory arthritisBianca Bech, Jette Primdahl, Astrid van Tubergen, Marieke Voshaar, Heidi A Zangi, Lurdes Barbosa, Carina Boström, Boryana Boteva, Francesco Carubbi, Françoise Fayet, Ricardo J O Ferreira, Kirsten Hoeper, Agnes Kocher, Marja Leena Kukkurainen, Vivienne LionSee the full list of authors
12 July 2019