Immunogenicity induced by two and three doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases and immunocompetent controls: a longitudinal multicentre studyVictoria Furer, Tali Eviatar, Tal Freund, Hagit Peleg, Daphna Paran, David Levartovsky, Ilana Kaufman, Adi Broyde, Ofir Elalouf, Ari Polachek, Joy Feld, Amir Haddad, Tal Gazitt, Muna Elias, Nizar HigaziSee the full list of authors
22 July 2022
Remission and low disease activity (LDA) prevent damage accrual in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: results from the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) inception cohortManuel Francisco Ugarte-Gil, John Hanly, Murray Urowitz, Caroline Gordon, Sang-Cheol Bae, Juanita Romero-Diaz, Jorge Sanchez-Guerrero, Sasha Bernatsky, Ann Elaine Clarke, Daniel J Wallace, David Alan Isenberg, Anisur Rahman, Joan T Merrill, Paul R Fortin, Dafna D GladmanSee the full list of authors
9 August 2022
Longitudinal trajectories of fatigue in early RA: the role of inflammation, perceived disease impact and early treatment responseMichaël Doumen, Sofia Pazmino, Delphine Bertrand, Diederik De Cock, Johan Joly, René Westhovens, Patrick Verschueren
20 June 2022
Inflammatory correlates of the Patient Global Assessment of Disease Activity vary in relation to disease duration and autoantibody status in patients with rheumatoid arthritisSerena Bugatti, Ludovico De Stefano, Bernardo D’Onofrio, Andrea Nicrosini, Eleonora Mauric, Michele di Lernia, Garifallia Sakellariou, Ennio Giulio Favalli, Antonio Manzo, Roberto Caporali, Carlomaurizio Montecucco
27 May 2022
Treatment with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors is associated with a time-shifted retardation of radiographic spinal progression in patients with axial spondyloarthritisMurat Torgutalp, Valeria Rios Rodriguez, Ani Dilbaryan, Fabian Proft, Mikhail Protopopov, Maryna Verba, Judith Rademacher, Hildrun Haibel, Joachim Sieper, Martin Rudwaleit, Denis Poddubnyy
13 June 2022
2022 EULAR points to consider for remote care in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseasesAnnette de Thurah, Philipp Bosch, Andrea Marques, Yvette Meissner, Chetan B Mukhtyar, Johannes Knitza, Aurélie Najm, Nina Østerås, Tim Pelle, Line Raunsbæk Knudsen, Hana Šmucrová, Francis Berenbaum, Meghna Jani, Rinie Geenen, Martin KruscheSee the full list of authors
25 April 2022
Better outcomes of COVID-19 in vaccinated compared to unvaccinated patients with systemic rheumatic diseasesCharalampos Papagoras, George E Fragoulis, Nikoleta Zioga, Theodora Simopoulou, Kleopatra Deftereou, Eleni Kalavri, Evangelia Zampeli, Nafsika Gerolymatou, Evangelia Kataxaki, Konstantinos Melissaropoulos, Stylianos Panopoulos, Kalliopi Fragiadaki, Gerasimos Evangelatos, Vasiliki-Kalliopi Bournia, Aikaterini AridaSee the full list of authors
10 November 2021
Systematic literature review of observational cohorts and clinical trials into the success rate of glucocorticoid discontinuation after their use as bridging therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritisLotte van Ouwerkerk, Andriko Palmowski, Isabell S Nevins, Frank Buttgereit, Patrick Verschueren, Josef S Smolen, Robert BM Landewé, Johannes JW Bijlsma, Andreas Kerschbaumer, René Westhovens, Tom WJ Huizinga, Cornelia F Allaart, Sytske Anne Bergstra
25 April 2022
Pausing methotrexate improves immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccination in elderly patients with rheumatic diseasesAmanthi Nadira Arumahandi de Silva, Leonie Maria Frommert, Fredrik N Albach, Jens Klotsche, Veronika Scholz, Lara Maria Jeworowski, Tatjana Schwarz, Alexander ten Hagen, Jan Zernicke, Victor Max Corman, Christian Drosten, Gerd-Rüdiger Burmester, Robert Biesen
14 March 2022
Short-term, intermediate-term and long-term risks of acute coronary syndrome in cohorts of patients with RA starting biologic DMARDs: results from four Nordic countriesBenedicte Delcoigne, Lotta Ljung, Sella A Provan, Bente Glintborg, Merete Lund Hetland, Kathrine Lederballe Grøn, Ritva Peltomaa, Heikki Relas, Carl Turesson, Bjorn Gudbjornsson, Brigitte Michelsen, Johan Askling
22 March 2022