MRI-based synthetic CT: a new method for structural damage assessment in the spine in patients with axial spondyloarthritis – a comparison with low-dose CT and radiographySimone Tromborg Willesen, Anna EF Hadsbjerg, Jakob Møllenbach Møller, Nora Vladimirova, Bimal M K Vora, Sengül Seven, Susanne Juhl Pedersen, Mikkel Østergaard
15 March 2024
Validation and incorporation of digital entheses into a preliminary GLobal OMERACT Ultrasound DActylitis Score (GLOUDAS) in psoriatic arthritisEsperanza Naredo, Maria Antonietta D'Agostino, Lene Terslev, Carlos Pineda, M Isabel Miguel, Joan Blasi, George A Bruyn, Marion C Kortekaas, Peter Mandl, Rodina Nestorova, Marcin Szkudlarek, Plamen Todorov, Violeta Vlad, Priscilla Wong, Catherine BakewellSee the full list of authors
26 March 2024
Erosive hand osteoarthritis and sarcopenia: data from Osteoarthritis Initiative cohortKamyar Moradi, Robert M Kwee, Bahram Mohajer, Ali Guermazi, Frank W Roemer, Hamza Ahmed Ibad, Ida K Haugen, Francis Berenbaum, Shadpour Demehri
19 January 2024
Very low prevalence of ultrasound-detected tenosynovial abnormalities in healthy subjects throughout the age range: OMERACT ultrasound minimal disease studyJeanette Trickey, Ilfita Sahbudin, Mads Ammitzbøll-Danielsen, Irene Azzolin, Carina Borst, Alessandra Bortoluzzi, George AW Bruyn, Philippe Carron, Coziana Ciurtin, Georgios Filippou, Jacek Fliciński, Daniela Fodor, Hélène Gouze, Marwin Gutierrez, Hilde Berner HammerSee the full list of authors
18 August 2021
Choose wisely: imaging for diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritisTorsten Diekhoff, Iris Eshed, Felix Radny, Katharina Ziegeler, Fabian Proft, Juliane Greese, Dominik Deppe, Robert Biesen, Kay Geert Hermann, Denis Poddubnyy
28 May 2021
EULAR recommendations for the reporting of ultrasound studies in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs)Félicie Costantino, Loreto Carmona, Maarten Boers, Marina Backhaus, Peter V Balint, George A Bruyn, Robin Christensen, Philip G Conaghan, Ricardo J O Ferreira, Juan Luis Garrido-Castro, Francis Guillemin, Hilde Berner Hammer, Désirée van der Heijde, Annamaria Iagnocco, Marion C KortekaasSee the full list of authors
22 January 2021
Criterion validity of ultrasound in the identification of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposits at the knee: an OMERACT ultrasound studyGeorgios Filippou, Anna Scanu, Antonella Adinolfi, Carmela Toscano, Dario Gambera, Raquel Largo, Esperanza Naredo, Emilio Calvo, Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont, Pascal Zufferey, Christel Madelaine Bonjour, Daryl K MacCarter, Stanley Makman, Zachary Weber, Fabiana FigusSee the full list of authors
28 September 2020
MRI of sacroiliac joints for the diagnosis of axial SpA: prevalence of inflammatory and structural lesions in nulliparous, early postpartum and late postpartum womenAdel Hoballah, Cédric Lukas, Christophe Leplat, Patrice Taourel, Jean-Baptiste Pialat, Nicolas Sans, Sonia Ramos-Pascual, Catherine Cyteval
10 June 2020
Novel ultrasonographic Halo Score for giant cell arteritis: assessment of diagnostic accuracy and association with ocular ischaemiaKornelis S M van der Geest, Frances Borg, Abdul Kayani, Davy Paap, Prisca Gondo, Wolfgang Schmidt, Raashid Ahmed Luqmani, Bhaskar Dasgupta
3 January 2020
MRI lesions in the sacroiliac joints of patients with spondyloarthritis: an update of definitions and validation by the ASAS MRI working groupWalter P Maksymowych, Robert GW Lambert, Mikkel Østergaard, Susanne Juhl Pedersen, Pedro M Machado, Ulrich Weber, Alexander N Bennett, Juergen Braun, Ruben Burgos-Vargas, Manouk de Hooge, Atul A Deodhar, Iris Eshed, Anne Grethe Jurik, Kay-Geert Armin Hermann, Robert BM LandewéSee the full list of authors
17 August 2019